Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I should really try to be productive sometime soon....

I haven't written in acouple days. Shame on me really.

I've heard from a bunch of different writers that the real trick to writing/being successful as a writer is regularity & consistency.

That is write some everyday, usually during a certain time slot.

I think it works two ways. One, it gets you used to writing and getting yourself writerly. So a combination of habit and practice. Two, I think it makes it harder to skip your *writing time*. "Don't bother, it's *writing time*!"

One person even put it as "make writing like your job", meaning that you hold yourself as accountable and punctual as if it were part of any other workday.

In my case, I seem to like mornings. My ADD meds peak around mid/late morning, plus my head isn't yet cluttered with the day. I can focus and my energy is high, the day fresh.

It seems that consistency with one's writing time is more important than quantity of output. It could your 20 minute bus ride to work or a two hour brunchathon, just as long as you do it regularly.

For me, I like to spend at least 10 - 15 minutes reflecting/journaling. Like warming up.& stretching out my muscles before exercise. Gets me more writerly, I like to think.

Prollem is that recently I've really sucked about. With the habit broken or non-existent, it's soooo easy to skip it for a day(s) or forget about it. Right now my hours have felt pretty erratic, and my sleep schedule has been variable.

But is it really so hard to, on days without any work to fight around, settle in for an hour of writing before checking the news and email and twitter and so on?

Maybe somewhere in there a healthy meal, a solid workout, and a shower. Now I'm just talkin crazy.....

But I've done it before, the writing time. And I think I could do it again. Maybe I just need to give myself a chance, or/and maybe I just need to hold myself to it for a bit.

This sounds like a time to try another 30 day challenge.....those can be fun/weird, but effective. Hm. I'll have to think on that'un.

For now, imma head home and nap a bit. It's been a long, somewhat weird day.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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