Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Well not really, not too terribly. I'm just a bit unsure how to proceed. Fiction is tough, y'know?

I was saying to Louis that I need to define the characters (and their dialogue) more, even out the story so that it functions better, and generally give everything a bit more focus.

Right now it feels kind of like the characters are irrelevant to the dialogue; that anyone could be speaking it, interchangeably, and it wouldn't matter so much. This isn't inherently or inextricably a problem--I'm sure revision will correct it--but it's annoying as fuck. I'm starting to find Rick's character, and Oliver's is taking shape but needs sanding down in some places.

I'm trying to figure out how to reveal things in a timely and subtle fashion, too. right now it's fairly obvious: some dialogue, some dialogue, reflective prose, repeat. If I could move some of these revelations into the dialogue, I'm sure it'd be less dry to read. The little reveals would feel less abrupt and would probaly help confirm and set eachother up more. Altogether, I can't help expecting this to even the flow and functioning of the stories parts.

And it needs focus. Right now it kind of wanders to a conslusion, which isn't terrible, but I'd like it to move with a bit more exactness or purpose. Like, not have things too focused on one thing then slip into another or stuff. I need to figure out what the story is about and what it's representing on the page. Ground it a bit more in reality and situations, even.

At this point it's not too surprising that I'm considering entirely rewriting some bits. Especially the prosey reflective bits. Most of them are highly significant to what's going, revealing important details and so on. Dialogue, too, to incorporate more detail and character expression and development, if only slight hints here and there that are then confirmed as the story continues and so on.

goddamn i'm sleepy as fuck. i may go lie down a mo' and then either try to write some more or leave it for tomorrow.

note: maybe a bit in the story where oliver reveales his great shame or something and they both feel an awkward obligation to help his friend....and brain died.

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