Saturday, April 23, 2011


I was about to work on the essay for that literary journal, when I got called in to work. By called in I mean they called, offered, and I accepted. (It was either this or risk working tonight, when I might miss the Doctor Who season premiere, but still....)

Maybe it's a good thing; I've been dancing around this all week. The whole revision process. Scares the crap outta me. Still, though, I was all set to make some least, that was the plan. Hrm.

See, I have some really good ideas whirring about, but I haven't fully worked them out yet. Worse, I find it difficult to turn what's on the page and/or screen into what's in my head. Well, actually, that would require there were an image, a plan in my head to start with.

But all the same--revision is difficult for me. So many possibilities. So many things I could get rid of in the draft, but might end up needing (if I could somehow reword/move them...). So many things that need to go into the draft. And overall, it's a draft; a mess.

I'm going to try sketching out more of what I'm thinking; after that I'm gonna go through and maybe make a crude outline of what's there and then an outline of what needs to be there. Does that make any sense?

I know one of my greatest hangups in life is that often I "can't see the forest because of the trees". I get so enmeshed in details that the metapicture escapes me. And that's the kind of editing I need to do at this stage--restructuring, planning, organizing.

It doesn't help that I'm adding stress on top of all of this. I'm seeing my editor (ie, cousin) tomorrow, and although Easter isn't necessarily a time of business, I'd like to at least be able to tell her "Yup, It's moving along really well. I've got a pretty solid hold of it at this point." or some such thing. Of course that's superfluous; I've created that sense of urgency. I could just fess up and be honest. As an editor she might even be able to help. Sigh.

Anyway, I've dawdled enough. Off to work or stuff!

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