Sunday, October 23, 2011

5th Time's the Charm

So draft 5 of "The Urge, The Burden, & The Aftermath" is coming around the bend, and it's kinda a amaaazin feeling. I think I've finally (!?) gotten a handle on that irreverent middle section; the dialectic shall stand!! XD

I'm sure I've mentioned it at least one other time, but the middle section of this poem was horribly disobedient & infuriating. It just didn't fit, it didn't flow, it didn't work.

Somewhere between the 3rd and 5th drafts, I've finally sucked it up and starting slashing whole chunks. See, I'd begun to realize and even accept that there were sections that really belonged in another poem I've yet to write. Until realizing this, I'd clung so hard to these bits--they were & are pretty even if they don't belong in this particular poem.

Whether or not I ever use these bits afterall is less important than getting this particular poem to work. And frankly I kinda like the way it's looking. I still need to type it but it seems to read more smoothly & sensibly. Of course, having written that I've probably jynxed it, yeah? Oh well.

But not to worry, I've got about an hour and a half to work on that. Just sitting here, in the window of an NYC starbucks, oggling eye candy, waiting for my friend, and tapping away at the next draft of an increasingly satisfying poem :)

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